Chapter Issues

BESA Transition Issue: Nogales POE has refused to adapt its system for the BESA transition, unlike other ports. This has led to complications with scheduling and alignment with longstanding practices. NTEU National is involved and addressing the situation.

Chapter News

Oversight Agency Finds Some Firings Unlawful

While DHS-CBP not been targeted with unlawful probationary firings, the Office of Special Counsel who has oversight on the federal merit system, yesterday requested a 45-day stay in connection with the six probationary employees, each at different agencies. This is likely a result of the lawsuit filed by NTEU. The request will next go to the Merit Systems Protection Board for potential enforcement.

A message from the Chapter President

2/11/2025 | Solidarity

Fork in the Road

On January 28, 2025, an email titled "Fork in the Road" was sent from OPM. The email described a Deferred Resignation opportunity. It has been determined by DHS that all CBP employees, to include law enforcement and professional staff are not allowed to participate due to our positions being described as national security.  See FAQ from OPM. 

Contact Info

Please ensure to update your personal contact information on This allows our Chapter and National to say in contact outside of government emails. 

Jan PM

On January 31 a Presidential Memorandum was issued aimed at taking away agreements that federal employees, their union, and their agencies negotiated during the final 30 days of the prior administration, also known as Lame Duck. This PM does not apply to the 2025 NTEU-CBP NCBA. 

CBP has provided payout information for another wave of payments under our COPRA night differential for leave agreement. 

For more information, please see: CBP will send notices to employees very soon that explain their payments. Appended to the notices will be a claim form through which employees can claim any additional money that they believe they are owed.

NTEU Sets Legislative Priorities for 2025

NTEU's Legislative Advisory Committee met virtually yesterday to recommend the union's priority issues for the first session of the 119th Congress. The committee recommended three topline priority issues to National President Doreen Greenwald, which will be the core of the union's legislative efforts for the year. They are: Protecting the nonpartisan civil service, Agency funding, Pay and benefits

Each issue is important to every NTEU member and your families. Watch for additional information on these priorities and how you can get involved as the new session of Congress gets underway.


As we've heard many times, we are short staffed at our ports, and we must ramp up hiring before officers eligible for retirement triples. With 328 ports of entry domestically and 15 pre-clearance ports around the world, we need additional resources the next three years dedicated to recruiting, hiring and training our next generation of officers. President Greenwald has said "Congress and the agency can take action right now to avoid what could be a catashtrophic break down in port operations if thousands of offices retire without anyone to replace them." NTEU seeks CBP officer hiring surge to offset looming retirement wave on Federal News Network by Jory Heckman.

Chapter 116 has created a channel in WhatsApp for all BUEs to join. Key chapter information will continue to be disseminated through multiple avenues to ensure total coverage: 


Update from OSHA regarding extreme heat: OSHA has presented a bill to implement safety for all workers exposed to extreme heat.